World Parkinson's disease day is an opportunity to take stock on what advances in the treatment and prevention of the disease.
Parkinson's disease: what's nine side searches?
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Nicotine for treating disease
After observing that smokers are less often affected by Parkinson's disease than non-smokers, researchers at the hospital Henri Mondor de Créteil (94) test the effectsof pure nicotine transdermal on disease. Treatment consists of paste patches to pure nicotine at the level of the spine in the lower back. This clinical trial is currently conducted a quarantine of patients. The results are encouraging because many patients saw their condition improve or stop the disease progress.
The fitness to maintain cognitive connections
The famous Mayo Clinic (USA) researchers have discovered that the regular practiceof aerobic exercises (also known as cardio exercises or endurance) frees up some protective nerve centers of the brain. They maintain cognitive connections and prevent atrophy of the characteristic brain of Parkinson's disease. To be beneficial, these exercises should be practiced four times per week for at least 45 minutes each time.
Effective leukemia treatment
Neurologists at the University of Washington (USA) got very encouraging results forParkinson's disease by administering 11 sick an anti-cancer (of nilotinib) usually prescribed against leukemia. This molecule would reduce the concentration of toxic proteins in the brain. The first results are encouraging: one of patients in wheelchairs found the use of the market, and three other patients who spoke more were again able to hold a conversation.
Magnetic stimulation to regain motor skills
In a South Korean study, researchers showed the interest of repetitive TranscranialMagnetic stimulation. 17 patients were treated with this method, which is to modulate the activity of neurons in the motor areas of the brain using a magnetic pulse onthe cerebral cortex through the skull. In the end, the researchers found a decrease in motor disorders in patients treated with repetitive Transcranial Magnetic stimulation compared with patients taking a placebo treatment.
Antipsychotics are necessarily listed
Antipsychotic medications such as quetiapine and haloperidol are often prescribedat some point of the evolution of the disease. Now, a study by the school of Medicine of Pennsylvania suggests that these drugs would be contraindicated for a patienton two. Antipsychotics cause a risk of premature death higher.
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