This issue of traditional medicine Chinese method which aims to rebalance the energies circulating in the body by stimulating specific points on the (shou) hands or feet (zu) using the fingers, small accessories (pen, specific ring...) or heat (burning Mugwort).
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In addition to strengthening vital energy (qi), Shou-Zu could relieve some pain andacting on blockages to physical, emotional or mental level. It would be particularly effective on pain acute and recent. In contrast to reflexology who works on reflex zones corresponding to bodies, Shou-Zu is working on points of resonance as well formedia purposes energy (meridians, chakras...), psychic and emotional energy, mental and spiritual energies... Generally, a sharp pain identified on the hand or the foot indicates an area of resonance in imbalance in the body. The stimulation of the pain point will then unlock several nerve endings that match the muscular tension of the sensitive areas of the body. Where immediate relief of pain in some cases.
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